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Caroline Kepnes is the author of YOU, HIDDEN BODIES and PROVIDENCE. The hit Netflix series You is an adaptation of her debut novel. The upcoming second is based on her sequel HIDDEN BODIES. Caroline was born and raised on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.


Books (11) Audiobooks (2) Bargains (1) Price Range. keyboard_arrow_left. under $10 (1) $10 - $25 (7) $25 - … 作者:Caroline Kepnes 出版社:Simon & Schuster 出版时间:0000-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ISBN:9781501195433 ,购买英文原版 美剧《你》原著小说 Penn Badgley主演 安眠书店 You by Caroline Kepnes等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网 Caroline Kepnes eBooks. Buy Caroline Kepnes eBooks to read online or download in PDF or ePub on your PC, tablet or mobile device. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Caroline Kepnes books online. Free delivery worldwide on over 20 million titles.

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. . . Caroline Kepnes is the author of You, Hidden Bodies, Providence, and numerous short stories.Her work has been translated into a multitude of languages and inspired a television series adaptation of You, currently on Netflix.Kepnes graduated from Brown University and previously worked as a pop culture journalist for Entertainment Weekly and a TV writer for 7th Heaven and The Secret Life of the Posts about Caroline Kepnes written by Stephanie. Published: June 19th, 2018 Publisher: LENNY Format: Hardcover.

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I couldn’t leave Joe alone, Hace 1 día Hace 1 día Hoy Caroline Kepnes is from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Her first novel You was translated into 19 languages and shortlisted for a CWA New Blood Award.

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under $10 (1) $10 - $25 (7) $25 - … 作者:Caroline Kepnes 出版社:Simon & Schuster 出版时间:0000-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ISBN:9781501195433 ,购买英文原版 美剧《你》原著小说 Penn Badgley主演 安眠书店 You by Caroline Kepnes等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网 Caroline Kepnes eBooks. Buy Caroline Kepnes eBooks to read online or download in PDF or ePub on your PC, tablet or mobile device. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Caroline Kepnes books online.

Diplômée en civilisation américaine à l'Université Brown, elle a travaillé comme journaliste pour divers titres de presse notamment le "Entertainment Weekly". Caroline Kepnes. 10,113 likes · 789 talking about this. Caroline Kepnes is the author of YOU, HIDDEN BODIES and PROVIDENCE. She lives in Los Angeles.

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That's based on my Joe Goldberg books! Caroline Kepnes is the author of YOU, HIDDEN BODIES and PROVIDENCE. The hit Netflix series You is an adaptation of her debut novel. The upcoming second is based on her sequel HIDDEN BODIES.

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It’s the story of an obsessive, cantankerous, murderous New York bookseller named Joe Goldberg. Stephen King called it hypnotic and original. I couldn’t leave Joe alone, Hace 1 día Hace 1 día Hoy Caroline Kepnes is from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Her first novel You was translated into 19 languages and shortlisted for a CWA New Blood Award. Her second novel Hidden Bodies is a sequel that Booklist describes as 'the love child of Holden Caulfield and Patrick Bateman'.

Kepnes has also been writing a fourth novel—which means a fourth season is definitely a possibility. 24/7/2020 · Stephen King at 70: You author Caroline Kepnes on discovering yourself in King's stories 13/3/2020 · Caroline Kepnes is the author of You, Hidden Bodies, and Providence.You and Hidden Bodies (which were adapted into the hit Netflix series You) are narrated by “nice guy” Joe Goldberg.When we meet him in Kepnes’ first novel, he is a snarkily erudite bookstore manager, equal parts romantic and cynic, who longs for the perfect, all-consuming relationship with aspiring writer Beck, the Caroline Kepnes (Auteur) The highly anticipated new thriller in Caroline Kepnes’s hit You series, now a blockbuster Netflix show—a compulsively readable trip into the deviant mind of the uniquely antisocial, savvy bookseller Biographie : Caroline Kepnes s’est fait un nom en tant que journaliste et scénariste pour des séries télévisées. Diplômée en civilisation américaine à l'Université Brown, elle a travaillé comme journaliste pour divers titres de presse notamment le "Entertainment Weekly". Caroline Kepnes. 10,113 likes · 789 talking about this. Caroline Kepnes is the author of YOU, HIDDEN BODIES and PROVIDENCE.

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